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About SoLit

Who we are.

Founded in 1952, SoLit, formerly known as Southern Lit Alliance, has become an essential literary arts hub for Chattanooga. Begun by a grant from the Ford Foundation in 1952, the organization has evolved over the years from various art programs to a focus on literature and writing. We deliver literary arts experiences that engage young people and adults in a life-long love of reading, writing, and community conversation. SoLit shares stories that matter, serving 5,000 children and adults each year with author visits, literature festivals, writing workshops, writing contests for children, and outreach to area jails and youth in underserved communities.


In the last decade, research has found a change in how our brains comprehend information after the advent of the internet, making concentration and critical thinking more difficult as we constantly scan information. Fortunately, the benefits of reading literature and writing are far-reaching and include improved critical thinking skills, empathy for others, vocabulary, writing ability, imagination, and cultural literacy.  Literary arts are vital to our community and have the incomparable power to inspire, connect, and uplift Solit is reaching the community and the next generation with the impact of the literary arts.

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